Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day Nine -- Sunday, July 10

Pastor Di and his wife, Sopean (a.k.a. Ming)

A great Sunday here in Kien Svay.  We began with worship at the Khmer church.  Pastor Di preached from Galatians 5:1-15.  As I was reading the passage two verses jumped out at me: "The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." (6b) and "...serve one another in love.  The entire law is summed up in a single command: 'Love your neighbor as yourself." (13b-14).  Here we are, thousands of miles away from home, trying to express our faith through love and service.  How appropriate, hmm?  Yet as I was considering that thought, it occurred to me that this verse is meant to be lived out in Fort Worth, Texas, too.  I don't need to travel halfway round the world in order to do the only thing that counts.  My faith needs to be expressing itself through love at home, too.  Thank you, Lord, for fresh inspiration from your Word.

The Sunday lunch tradition here is to go into Phnom Penh and dine at "The Noodle Shop".  Fried noodles, 7Up and bottled water = $3.00.  Can't beat it.  After lunch we went to "Seeing Hands", a spa that employs blind masseurs.  A one hour massage (which was excellent by the way) for $6.00.  Yes, $6.00.
The Seeing Hands Spa

We then took a trip to the Lucky Supermarket.  They carry some western brands, so we restocked our snack stash with nuts, chips, and Oreos.  They also carry Asian brands (like Fish-O) and squid snacks.  Um, pass...

How can you pass up a snack with a name like this?
The last stop was the Russian Market to further stimulate the local economy.  Oakley sunglasses with protective case for $7.00 and a NorthFace backpack for $13.00.  Shelley bought some stuff, too.

Tonight will be special.  We're doing a Skype session with our Bible Study group back in Fort Worth.  It should be fun!

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