Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day Two -- Sunday, July 3

Sunday began with the customary breakfast at "The Coffee Shop".  Rice with pork and a fried egg on top.  Not something I would have for breakfast at home, but "T.I.C." - This Is Cambodia.  The iced coffee is yummy.  A quarter to a third of a glass of sweetened condensed milk topped with crushed ice and coffee.  You get a little exercise mixing the whole concoction together and it tastes so very good.
The Coffee Shop

After breakfast we attended the village house church.  It is such a joy to hear the praise songs sung in Khmei.  Even though I don't understand the words, just watching the faces of those singing tells you all you need to know.  They are experiencing the joy of their faith in Christ.  Pastor Di shared from Galatians 4 - "Therefore, brothers, we are not children of the slave woman, but of the free woman."  Our friends, Da and Lori, translated for us so that we could be encouraged along with the Khmer.  After the sermon, they sang "We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise" in Khmei and those of us who recognized the tune sang along in English.  Very cool!

Lunch was at "The Noodle Shop" in Phnom Penh ($12 total for our table of 5 for a lot of food) and then on to the Russian Market to bargain and haggle with the local merchants.  You can buy everything there, from meat and vegetables to T-shirts to parts for your motorcycle.  It's quite a cultural experience.

Tomorrow, our real work begins.  We will be going to the schools where rainwater collection tanks have been built in the past to make sure they are still working properly and that the school staff knows how to use them and maintain them.  We're the first team to be given such an assignment and are "guinea pigs" for this work.  Our team has prayed about being flexible and doing whatever we're asked, so we will have opportunity to test that commitment.  

We very much appreciate your prayers for us, for the staff at RDI, and for the people here in the villages that we are serving and building relationships with.  Thank you for praying.

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